Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Like Oreos? Check out these 'Moreos'!

Moreo1Some Oreo loving freak has put a suggestion to Oreo makers called the 'Moreo'. Inside a pack would have a load of the sweet sugary filling along with the cookies in a separate section. I'm sure that's gonna help to slim down the already obese kids of today! Check out the pics...
Oreos have always been overhyped bullshit to me. Yeah, they're okay but I don't like it that I even know about the 'twist, lick and dunk' method. The truth is though that people love Oreos. These have not been created yet so you can't buy them yet, but the inventor, Reddit user EternallyXIII has gone deep:






Would you really want that much filling in your Oreo? If I was a kid this would probably be a dream come true - sandwiches for school? Fuck that, I'm making one of these bad boys:

Oreo stack

Coming soon to a supermarket near you no doubt!

Update: The Moreo has made it onto CNN! Check out the vid!

~ Cee

No Words! ...Just BANG with friends! Casual sex finder app saga!

Man and woman intimate in a carSo you know the popular mobile phone games Words with Friends, Scramble with Friends and Chess with Friends? Well these popular multi platform and multi-player family friendly games are made by Zynga.

You won't be surprised then that Zynga are suing an app maker for the app that has over a million registered user called BANG with Friends!
...this is an app that lets you hook up with like minded Facebook users who want a casual 'bang'!

I can understand why Zynga might have a problem with Bang with Friends being wrongly associated with them but to be fair I think it is also giving them more attention as Bang with... sounds far more interesting than Words with... for example!  In fact fuck the article about the lawsuit -who cares!  What is this app?!

Does it really work?! With all the dating sites that promise to get you laid but 'all you have to' is enter your credit card details and pay a monthly subscription bla bla bla, is there really just a quick free app that cuts the bullshit for the sex pests of the world?  Well the app has been removed from the Apple app store which tells me it must be pure grime (...real!).  It is however available on the Google Play store for Android.

You have to log via your Facebook account which is risky! especially as no matter how secure and private an app says they are there is still a big chance that they will fuck up and all your friends will know what you had signed up for!  Look what happened to these Facebook users!

Also there is that chance that you will see your real friends and family members on there (and they would see you) which would be awkward at say the next family get together!

But for those people who just want a quick 'bang' with a 'friend' (stranger) and don't care about the consequences look no further!

As you can probably imagine, I have no use for this app as women are constantly throwing themselves at me! But you mere mortals do let us know if any of you actually get a bang from using this app or is that app all words!


Oreos? Nah man it's all about the 'Moreos'!

Check out the latest idea for Oreos!

Happy National Orgasm Day!

Today is national orgasm day! Some of you will be celebrating with an orgasm some way or another, whether it's with a partner or maybe just Rosie Palm and her 5 sisters... and if you know who the woman on the right is then that's probably you!

Check out these 10 crazy things that have been known to cause orgasms...
  • Exercise-induced orgasms: Yep, there's a woman out there who can orgasm from gym workouts! Source
  • Nipplegasms: All it takes is a little stimulation of the nipples to release oxytocin, the same chemical responsible for the vaginal contractions of orgasm. Tweak, tweak!
  • Mind orgasms: According to Lady Gaga and other women, it’s possible to get yourself off just by thinking the right thoughts and breathing a certain way. Yeah, I'll just take a beejay, thanks!
  • Labor-induced orgasms: Apparently, the motions of labor stimulate the same areas as, well, you know, leading to mid-labor orgasms. WTF?
  • Yawing: This one requires the antidepressant Clomipramine. A not unheard of side effect of Clomipramine is the orgasmic yawn AKA a yawngasm!
  • Foot orgasm: A rare one, the single sufferer is believed to have had damage done to the sciatic nerve in her left foot during gallbladder surgery. She could orgasm just by standing still! Source
    woman sitting in car
  • Permanent Sexual Arousal Syndrome (PSAS): In a permanent state of increased blood flow to the sex organs, PSAS suffers have been known to orgasm as many as 200 times a day. This must only effect woman, right?
  • Breast feeding: Nerves connecting from the breasts to the sex organs are responsible of this strange one. Mothers have reported orgasming while breastfeeding their infants. You sick bitches!
  • Riding horses: According to the ladies of Cosmo UK. Damn, a horse is one big ass vibrator!
  • Eating junk food: For one Colorado woman, ice cream is what gets her off. Believe it, cause it’s true! Source
So to get your orgasm today guys you are not just competing against a vibrator...  good luck!

~ Cee

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Should disabled people be allowed to have MMA fights? The story of Garrett Holeve

Garrett Holeve fightingMeet Garrett Holeve. Yes, he's got Down's Syndrome and he wants to be an MMA fighter. Garrett has never liked being known as 'the kid with Down's Syndrome', didn't make any excuses and got his ass in the gym.
He's deadly serious when he says he wants a real MMA fight, but in reality, who's going to fight him? I have full respect for him, he's obviously got a lot of heart and determination, but it's kind of a lose/lose situation for anyone that fights him.

Garrett Holeve, Arianny Celeste and Brittney Palmer
Garrett with UFC ring girls Arianny and Brittney
To put it into perspective, some of the symptoms of Down's Syndrome (taken from include poor muscle tone (hypotonia), learning disabilities and a short neck (good for defending the rear naked choke!). Also an increased risk of developing medical conditions like heart disease, bone and joint problems and developmental delay. Unfortunately his condition puts him at a massive disadvantage against an active opponent who doesn't have his condition.

Another problem is, who the hell is gonna fight him? The truth is that if you beat him you'll be seen as 'the guy that beat the shit out of the guy with Down's Syndrome', and if you lose you're 'the guy that got beat up by the guy that's got Down's Syndrome'.

My opinion - this is a kid obsessed with MMA. I'm glad he's found something he love but letting him take a real MMA fight is plain fucked up. Pops, don't let him do it!

Check out his story and a clip from his amateur fight:

You think Garrett is at a disadvantage? Check out the fight video of the MMA fighter with no arms or legs!

~ Cee

Do not f**k with this man's tea!

The details of how your tea is made is very important to some people!

Check Doc Brown rapping with anger when his tea is not made how he likes it!

How do I tell her that she just has got too fat?!

thin woman fat womanSo you've been with you're woman for a while now but over the years she has gradually been getting fatter.

'Look I just want what I signed up for!' is what you're thinking but just don't know how to say it! right?

You know if you even mention to your girlfriend that she's getting 'a bit fat' she is NOT going to take it well, in fact you can kiss goodbye to getting action from your chubby lover that night and may have to endure the silent treatment for the next few days too.

Oh and subtle hints don't work either! you can't casually slip a 'do we really want to eat cake at this time' and expect her to know that you mean 'she' shouldn't be eating cake full stop with her new body cake pockets.

Ok here's the top 3 things you need to do and the excuses you will hear...

1, Dig out photos of her in old clothes that she used to look good in (they will be way too tight now), show her and ask her to wear them as you really liked her looking like that.

Excuse: 'They are old and I don't like them anymore' or 'I've thrown them out'
Counter: Get the clothes first. Or surprise buy her some new ones in the size that she was then! You will have to change it later (not to waste your money) but the point will be made.

2, Get your own ass to the gym -you can only moan if you haven't got fat too! When you do go also invite her to go to the gym with you as you think you 'both' need to get in shape.

Excuse: 'I want to go to a girly gym'  or 'I don't have the time'
Counter: Say Ok and sign her up to which ever gym she likes.  Buy workout DVD's and put them on for her after she has sat on her fat ass watching TV for a while.

Man and woman arguing3, Tell her! Yep your'e gonna have to spit it out (like you wish she would with the cake!).  This can't be fluffy and soft so its best done after an argument about something else! You will have that don't give a fuckness about you plus you already know you aint getting any booty that night anyway!  The words that need to be included are 'you have put a lot of weight on and I am less attracted to you physically'.

Most guys could handle hearing that themselves and it would probably motivate them to do something because of pride alone, but this is the worst thing a woman wants to hear as they think that once they have you for a while that you will just see their inner beauty no matter what. WRONG! we (men) see what our eyes actually see, not our hearts.

Excuse: I've had kids since then.  I'm a lot older so that's what happens
Counter: People have kids and lose the baby weight if they want to and actually try to.  The older you get the easier it is to get out of shape, so the more you actually need to DO something.

Now if you like big women and you're the one who's feeding her up then she's just getting better and better for you!

For those of you that want her to be relatively the same size that she was when you fell in love with her, there's no easy way to break it gently to her your just gonna have to be prepared to take the storm that comes with getting your loved one back!

The real easy way to create awareness and maybe save yourself or your 'friend' (see what I did there) from having to do any of the steps is to simply 'like' this post on Facebook! Sitting on Facebook watching status updates all day is half of the problem so trust me it will be seen!

Let us know if this has helped or if it just got you a ban from feeling the love (handles).

Monday, 29 July 2013

Charles Ramsey the Cleveland hero... where is he now?

Charles Ramsey brokeI know you haven't forgotten about this brother already? It was only back in May when he rescued Amanda Berry and others from his sick ass neighbour.

Eats McDonalds, saves white women, and gives one of the funniest interviews I've ever seen! But where is he now?
Well, since his original interview (which you can see here) this man has made $50,000 and of the first things he bought was a BMW. Now this looks like a stereotypical purchase for a brother who comes across a bit of cash, but I say why the fuck not, he didn't have any money to begin with so why not live a little?

Obviously this man hasn't seen much money before because after that he was bragging about 'being rich' and started selling t-shirts with his face on for $25. Well, why not strike while the iron is hot and try and make a few bucks out of your little bit of fame?

Then, a Chinese company made a video game where an animated version of Ramsey throws McDonald’s hamburgers at the kidnapper. The company had offered him a year of its Big Mac hamburgers for free. Wanna play the game? here it is:

Anyway, enough of that, Ramsey wasn't happy about this and tried to get the game banned but as you can see it's still here. And he refused the offer of the Big Macs which was probably one of the hardest decisions he had to make in his life...

His wife (at the time) divorced him alleging that he used to beat her and never paid child support (it's not looking good Ramsey). Can't a black man get a little spotlight without some shit like this coming out?

Apparently, he moved out of his home next door to the kidnapper because he was getting too much 'attention' and then found it hard to find somewhere to live because of the amount of attention that came with him. Luckily he had his $8,000 beemer that he slept in for a few nights. The same happened when he tried to get jobs. Too popular to live a normal life and too broke to make a living off his name he is now basically a homeless dude, with no place to call his own.

Listen to Charles tell it in his own words:

On the up side, he's currently trying to trademark his name and his catchphrases in order to sell halloween costumes, masks, t-shirts and shoes. Who the fuck wants to wear a Charles Ramsey mask?

~ Cee

Luckiest man ever! This guy's belt buckle saves his balls from getting blown off!

bullet lodged in beltWho would've thought that putting your belt on this morning could potentially save your life (and your balls) during your work shift?

Neither did this guy. Bienvenido Reynoso was doing his day shift at the grocery store when he heard shots and hit the floor (just like what the movies tell you to do).
Luckily for him he hit the deck at just the right time and the bullet hit his belt buckle. Check the video to see how it happened...

Rapper Impressionist. Ya boy's got skills!

Now I'm not normally impressed with impressionist.  However when you can do whilst rapping freestyle then I have to give credit.  This guy is disgustingly good.

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Is it about time we just let athletes 'ROID the hell up?

Muscular Obama
Year after year athletes are getting caught using some drug or another to help give them the edge in competition.

The most recent is Tyson Gay, the fastest man in the world this year along with Asafa Powell. Is it about time we said "fuck it, let them use steroids"? What's the worst that could happen right?
What kind of superhuman creatures could be created if there were no rules on drug use in competition?

The stuff a lot of these athletes take are always pushing the boundaries, and even if they aren't illegal yet, probably will be soon.

Well check what a good course of the 'enhancements' could do for you (taken from
  • Anabolic steroids could give you a 38% increase in strength in men
  • Human growth hormone can give sprinters 4% more sprinting capacity (not much, but world records are broken with fractions of a second)
  • Erythropoeitin (EPO) can increase an endurance athlete’s stamina by 34% and shave 44 seconds off their eight kilometer time
  • Nitrate allows divers to hold their breath for 11% longer
  • Experimental gene doping gives mice 14% more strength and 70% more endurance
Of course, pumping your body full of drugs like steroids and pissing about with genetic code is gonna have some side effects. Although steroids will give that power advantage, also look forward to child sized testicles to go with that, yep, your balls would shrink and although it might make your dick look a little bigger in comparison, nobody wants peanut like balls.

Harry Aikines-Aryeetey
Powerhouse: Harry Aikines-Aryeetey
Not a roider but big as fuck!
Also, you've got high blood pressure, thickening of the heart valves, increased risk of stroke, lack of sex drive along with other changes to turn you into a lil' bitch. And for women, you'll end up looking like a man after a shit load of hormone changes, like getting chest hair and the killer... hypertrophy of the clitoris. That means the clitoris starts to look like a fucking dick and gets long and shit!

But, even after all these side effects, people take steroids time after time in order to gain an advantage, even though it blatantly mashes up their bodies in the process.

Well I say fuck it, let em roid and call it 'The Super Olympics'. Sure we'd have to get used to a few heart attacks and strokes here and there, but we'd get some ridiculous world records out of it and a decent freakshow...

~ Cee

The Big Dog finally takes a walk. 55 year old Tim Westwood to leave Radio 1

Tim Westwood
You either love or hate this guy! Old skinny white dude talking like he thinks he's a proper young road n'gga! (or 'the big dog' in fact). Well actually he did get injured in a real drive-by shooting in 1999...

Is this the last we will hear of him though?
He has one of the most recognizable voices of any radio DJ's and and has earned the respect of all the top players in the hip hop and rap scene all over the world.

When I first heard him on the radio I was like 'NO I can't listen to this punk' but when you actually get used to him you can actually get past his ridiculous sayings and DJ style and I now quite like him.

Some of you will be glad to hear that after 20 years he's actually leaving Radio 1 and 1 Extra (which can be heard anywhere in the UK and even America via Sirius), but to me it's an end of era which was a freak of nature anyway, as I know NOBODY else will ever get away with looking like that and talking as hyped up and exaggerated as he does and still managing to get people such as Jay Z and Eminem show him nothing but mad love.

You can read more about Tim Westwood and him leaving Radio 1 to be replaced by Charlie Sloth here

For those of you that need a reminder of his crazy (or annoying) voice see him in action on this video with Eminem.

I would like to know how many of the man dem like Tim and how many are glad to see the back of him?

Let me know in the comments.


Waterproof EVERYTHING! 'NeverWet' want to improve your life!

Sick of accidentally dropping sauce down your top? 'NeverWet' are here with this amazing solution and this is definitely the future!!!  ...Take my fucking money now!

Saturday, 27 July 2013

What would you do if you caught someone breaking into your property?

Imagine, you're in bed sleeping with your woman. You've got your small child asleep in the other bedroom. You hear a rustling at your door and some movement... someone has broken into your property!

What do you do?
Well, if you are in the UK you can use 'reasonable force'. To me reasonable force means going ALL OUT on that dirty criminal. Defend your property by any means necessary!

I personally believe that if someone breaks into your house you have the right to fuck them up unconditionally. Who knows what danger you might be in? You'd have to assume that someone breaking into your house is going to be tooled up and ready to deal with the person living there, rightfully defending their family and the goods they've probably worked hard for.

This is taken from the Crown Prosecution Service website:

Anyone can use reasonable force to protect themselves or others, or to carry out an arrest or to prevent crime. You are not expected to make fine judgements over the level of force you use in the heat of the moment. 

So long as you only do what you honestly and instinctively believe is necessary in the heat of the moment, that would be the strongest evidence of you acting lawfully and in self-defence. This is still the case if you use something to hand as a weapon.

As a general rule, the more extreme the circumstances and the fear felt, the more force you can lawfully use in self-defence.

So there you have it in black and white. In the UK if someone breaks in, use whatever force necessary to protect yourself and your family. Might wanna start by getting yourself one of these!

And if you are in the USA I guess you'll do what you do best and shoot dat motherfucka!

~ Cee

Rapper Tyga gets sued for $10 Million for exposing girls nipples in his video after they did the NAKED video shoot!

Tyga with two womenIt's so easy these days to sue for the slightest little thing that a lot of people are just looking for things to sue for!  It's easier and more lucrative than just working for your money, even if it just gets settled out of court (where they just pay you to go away).

Rapper Tyga has learnt the hard way...
A couple of Tyga's video vixens believe their exposed boobies in his "Make it Nasty" video are worth $10 million (per set) ... because that's the price they just named in their ongoing lawsuit.

TMZ broke the story ... Elizabeth Velasquez and Azia Davies sued Tyga last year, claiming shots of their nipples ended up in his music video ... without their permission. They say they were promised NO nudity.

Now, the ladies have decided on a dollar amount for the alleged xxx-up ... they filed new legal docs in July asking for $10 MILLION EACH (that's $5 MILLION per boob) in punitive damages.

In case you're wondering how exposed they were -- you can watch the explicit version of the video on YouTube. It really lives up to its name.

I personally think that if you knowingly get your titties out in a music video that you are being paid for then expect your titties to be in that video!

Looking at the video though I was disappointed at the lack nipples for all this hype.

Now are these girls straight up money grabbing bitch hustlers or have their rights been violated? ...Who was using who?...


Little punks being treated like b**ches by the hardcore inmates

Maybe it will teach the little punks a lesson lol "I'll sell that boy pu55y for zoo zoos and wam wams!"

Friday, 26 July 2013

Spain train crash - Should the driver be held responsible? Or the Spanish train system?

Speeding trainI've been following this sad story - a speeding train from Madrid, Spain to Ferrol derails, killing 80 people and the death toll is still rising.

When I heard this news one question came to mind... why the fuck didn't the train automatically slow down?
Automatic Train Control (ATC) is pretty standard technology as far as trains go and so it should be.

Basically, as a train approaches a part of the track where it needs to slow down, the driver will get some kind of warning. If they don't respond to the warning within a certain amount of time, THE TRAIN AUTOMATICALLY SLOWS DOWN!

I've always thought it was pretty standard that trains had this tech on board, let's face it, you don't need a driver on board at all, trains go in straight lines on tracks, so a driver is pretty much redundant.

Not seen the crash? Watch it here:

After looking into it a bit more, I found this on The Guardian which talks about the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) which should be in use on Spanish lines... BUT the automatic stuff only kicks into action at certain points on the line. And in particular this part of the track (already well known to be a dangerously sharp curve) was NOT managed by ERTMS but a Spanish safety system called ASFA.

The latest is the the driver has been detained and I reckon they'll end up putting him in prison for dangerous train driving. He has been quoted before the crash took place repeating "we're human, we're human" pointing towards the fact that he knows he messed up but it was an accident. But hey, some poor bastard WILL be taking the blame for this, a lot of people have died and people wanna see someone take the fall for this. It doesn't help that he posted pictures on Facebook account showing him driving at 200km/h:

200km/h speedometer

Now I'm not defending the driver at all, but guess what, accidents happen, especially accidents down to human error. This is a very sad accident but I hope that they actually get to the bottom as to why the train didn't automatically slow down rather than publicly punishing this guy, just so that people can see 'justice'. For all we know the driver may well have been pissed out of his face or trying to get home in time for dinner, in that case, yeah he fucked up. But how about making sure the technology is fully operational at dangerous parts of the track so that this shit doesn't happen?

Why the fuck have the technology out there and not use it on a part of track known to be dangerous?

~ Cee

Thursday, 25 July 2013

Superhero kicks this thugs ass... in front of the police!

Meet Ben Fodor aka Phoenix Jones, the real life superhero. "But superheroes don't exist" I hear you say... well this one does and by the looks of it he's here to stay!

Check out what happened when the local meathead tried to fuck with him...
If you don't wanna watch the whole vid the skip to the 6 minute mark which is where the action begins.

The best bit about this video is that not only does he beat the thugs ass, but he does it in front of the cops because of the 'mutual combat' law which basically means that if 2 guys agree to fight then the cops stand down! Pity the meathead was unaware of Phoenix's previous MMA career... whoops!

Unmasked! Ben Fodor aka Phoenix Jones!
What do you think of the mutual combat law? Personally I'd love to see the mutual combat law everywhere. Men need to let off some steam sometimes without the pressing charges bullshit, so if a couple of guys wanna man the fuck up, fight about it and forget about it afterwards then so be it.

And check how many fights the police will be getting paid to watch! If I was a cop in a mutual combat law zone you're damn right I'd be stirring shit up, "hey that guy just took your place in the queue, you do know there's a mutual combat law if you wanted to settle it like men, right?"

~ Cee

Am I being cheated on?

woman wearing shades and cryingFrom Lisa:
I have been with my man for 2 years now and we have even talked about having a baby. I know he loves because he always surprises me with gifts so he must be thinking about me.

However last week when I was picking him up from work, I was early so managed to park my car closer than usual to his building and I could see into the building. I could see him when he was walking towards the exit but he couldn't see me...
He was walking with a girl which I thought nothing of until I noticed they were having an argument about something and I could see that she was getting upset at which point my boyfriend wiped the tears from her face and put his arm around her. They hugged for a few seconds and then they said their goodbyes INSIDE the building and then went there separate ways. My boyfriend does not know I saw this and he didn't mention anything in the car or at all and I haven't mentioned it to him either as I don't want to accuse him of anything if it was innocent.

Do you think he is cheating on me with this girl?

The Man Dem response:

Has he ever mentioned this girl to you? if no then I have some bad news for you.  If yes then I have worse news for you!  And if she's prettier than you I think you already know! No not really, it 'looks' like he's been caught but then we only have your side of the story so don't go listening to your bitchy stirring friends who just love drama and are bitter because there man cheated on them!

You should have asked him about it straight away especially as you say you might wanna have kids with this guy.  Go ask him about her and watch his body language (here are some tips for things to look out for in a liar)

Not all guys cheat, but we would love to know how this plays out Lisa...


Wednesday, 24 July 2013

The Royal baby is black? Bystander trolls reporter!

Black royal baby
Stop the press! Kate has given birth to a black baby! Well that's what one trolling bystander awaiting the birth of the royal baby has suggested!

I don't know what he was thinking or why he decided to just blurt that shit out, but it made me laugh anyway! Check the vid...

Sorry guys, no chance of a black royal baby... ever! We all know what happens when none white folk get close to royalty [cough, Diana, cough, Dodi...]

According to The Daily Mail this was a 'tasteless joke'. Lighten to fuck up man (excuse the pun) the guy just wanted to say some stupid shit on TV! But I wouldn't be surprised if this guy got arrested or something dumb like that soon. What do you think, funny or foolish?

~ Cee

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

"Excuse me sir but I think there's a dick in my sandwich!" Subway Sicko's!

I'm guessing by now that you've probably heard about the 'Subway Sandwich Artist' (one of the best hyped up job titles I've heard) who thought it would be funny to put his dick on a Subway bread. And take a photo. And post it on Instagram. WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT! Don't get me wrong, this is gross as hell but I guarantee that you've all eaten a lot worse...
I am not saying it okay to stick ya dick on your customers bread (even though I did laugh because I don't eat Subway) but the fact is these big chains employ a load of teenagers to fondle our food and expect them not to fuck about with it. Obviously people need to be trusted to an extent but these kids really don't give a damn. Here is the full story from The Daily Mail.

How many times do you think you've eaten a burger from McDonalds or Burger King that's fallen on the floor accidentally, or worse, your food has been purposefully fucked with, like someone spitting in it or sticking your burger bun in their ass crack? (a guy I went to school with was proud of the fact that he used to do kick ups with McDonalds burger buns and piss in the OJ...)

Subway guy puts dick on bread
The kid that dicked it did it (Instagram user @ianjett if you wanna know) insisted that he would never do this at work and he did it at home... BULLSHIT! Check the pic and tell me who has footlong bread dishes like this lying around...

What makes it worse is that his buddy who worked at the very same Subway took a pic of what he said was his frozen urine, which he stored in the Subway freezer. Sick.

All this does really is highlights that yes, unless you're making your own food, your food is generally messed with. Shit gets dropped and put right back into your meal on a daily basis. And that there are some sick little shits out there. Let's not forget about the chicken brains left in KFC chicken recently...

Are you gonna continue to eat at Subway?

~ Cee

Welcome Robin, Prince of thieves. Another Royal mouth that UK taxpayers have to feed

Prince William and Kate with their new baby
Yay the Prince is born. That's really great news and all, as is the news of any healthy baby being born but seriously people -get a grip its just a baby.

What does this mean for the UK?
How much will this baby cost the UK taxpayers?
Will he ever become King? For that matter what the fuck do the Royal family do?

What this means for the UK is absolutely jack shit! apart from costing around £1 million per year for food, clothing, nanny's and security etc.

Who is going to pay for that? Yep you've guessed it, the British public. So are Prince William and the Duchess Kate the same as the families on benefits that the British public ALSO pay for? or are they different because they are 'Royal' and get much more money?!

Why do the British public love the Royal family so much and what the fuck do they do?  They don't rule the country as the prime minister does that.  In fact if Prince 'Robin' (lets call him for now) did ever become King (which is quite unlikely until he is really old like wrinkly Prince Charles who is still waiting), he would have to wait for his Dad and Granddad (Granddad shouldn't be that long actually) to die first!

Princess DiannaStill that's not bad compensation for your family dying but probably means he'll spend a lot of his adult life hoping that it does happen!  ...Then again again he will probably know a few people who could help with that and I'm sure they know just how to make it look like an accident too.

~ Dee

Monday, 22 July 2013

UK Nottingham fighter Paul Daley elbows a hole in his opponents head! Will he ever get back to the UFC?

Paul Daley
Nottingham fighter Paul 'Semtex' Daley had an MMA fight at the weekend against some polish dude, Lukasz Chlewicki in his 4th straight win.

Oh you don't know who Paul Daley is?
He's the hard hitting MMA fighter that sucker punched Josh Koscheck at UFC 113 in 2010, shortly before being man handled by the referee and BANNED from UFC... for life.

Paul is known for having sick power in his left hand, hence the name 'Semtex' and in my opinion could have done really well in the UFC if he didn't get wrestle-fucked by guys like Koscheck and cheap shot em out of frustration (funny thing was though that the punch had zero effect on Koscheck, not what you want when your name is Semtex).

Anyway, Paul fought Lukasz Chlewicki on Saturday and elbowed a vaginal sized hole into his head.

Check the gif:

Hole in the head
But is it about time that Paul Daley was allowed to fight in the UFC? Should he be forgiven for the sucker punch? Does anyone wanna see him face top competition again like his buddy Dan Hardy or do we even care?

I personally would like to see him fighting the big dogs back at the UFC. Paul... stop fucking about and go suck up to the UFC now!

~ Cee

This is why you hate your 'job'

Man unhappy at work91% of people wish they had a different job to the one they got!
Is getting a 'job' is the route to unhappiness?

What you need to do is learn how to get paid AND be happy...
We all got a lifestyle to maintain, maybe designer clothes and cars we think we need, shit we just like to have -like 500 channels on our 3D HD TV, maybe even kids to support, and basically bills to pay, right?

Unless you're a drug dealer 'shottin' all that stuff I mentioned generally means getting and keeping a job.  The only thing is though is that most of us get stuck in a job that just doesn't make us happy.  In fact I used to fucking hate my job!  I used to be that guy (in post picture), every day.

We've all been brought up in old fashioned way of thinking; Go to school to get good grades to go College/University to ultimately get a good 'job'.

Well I think that's BULLSHIT.  And this is why...

How about teaching kids how to seize opportunities so they can maybe start their own company before getting a 'job', or how  to make a living without being forced to conform to fit in somebody else's work environment helping them fulfill their dreams by doing your 'job'.

It's roughly around 9% of us that are actually truly happy with their 'job'.  This is the place where you spend the most and the best hours of the day, you see your work colleagues more than you see your family and friends!

I'm not saying don't work, I'm saying don't sit in a job that you hate because your CV/Resume says you can only do that particular thing.

So how do you get out of that job that you that know is eating you inside when you also know that you need the money?...

I don't have an answer that will fix everybody but I know I do know that if you have read all this so far you can relate in some way to what I'm saying.

Things to think about are:

Do you have a skill or anything you could use to start your own thing? (Maybe along side your job at first?)

Could you retrain and change your career? (despite your CV/Resume pointing to just one career option)

How much money do you actually need to be HAPPY? (is your work life balance fucked up?)

You're only on this earth for so long, so enjoy it don't just get through it.

What can you do to make a change in your life?...


Sunday, 21 July 2013

Is there such thing as an iron liver? Guy downs big ass bottle of Absolut Vodka

I'm seeing a lot of people out there dropping photos on Facebook/Instagram etc. drinking (pretending to drink) a bottle of Grey Goose or some shit when they're out in the club.

No one backs a drink like this man though!
This man here, Youtube account Shoenice22 takes a full bottle of Absolut Vodka (That's 40%) and down's it like water.
I've since heard rumours like "he's dead now" and "he was in hospital for weeks after" etc. Anyone actually know what's going on with this guy? Can someone really do this kind of stuff without doing serious damage to his liver?

~ Cee


Saturday, 20 July 2013

How to make the ladies WANT to give you head!

Pubic afro
A neat afro is cool yes but just not around your balls.

If you want to be cleaner and fresher which in turn makes her wanna spend more time 'down there' then get rid of the messy bush and neaten up.

If you're serious about getting head then read on...
This perfect sized trimmer is designed for those delicate and tricky areas.

Already got something similar for your head? ...SO WHAT! you do need a dedicated one for down there -you might be trimming your butt crack and all sorts!  Keep your proper (expensive) shaver clean for your face!

Click on the appropriate link below to get yours:

Wahl grooming set

US: More info / purchase here

UK: More info / purchase here

Friday, 19 July 2013

Should a man ever hit a woman?

Woman slapping man
From Harvey;
I have been brought up by only my mother as my father has never really been around and when he was around he used to beat up my mum, no different to a lot of people's story's I know but my point is that I was taught to love and respect women and never hit a woman.

However my girlfriend of 1 year sometimes slaps me in an argument and even recently hit me with the hoover stick.

I think if I slapped her back I would be classed as a woman beater
Should men just take slaps/punches from women and never hit back purely because we are men? Or when should I hit back?

The Man Dem response;
This is a tricky one because on one hand you can't go around fighting girls like they are men simply because they hit you first, there is no pride in winning that fist fight.  On the other hand you can't be getting beat up by a girl as that's just lame.

You need to grab her up (in a restraining way) next time she puts her hands on you in that way, just so she knows that your not scared of her and that you are not gonna keep taking that shit.  Men should never hit women but at the same time women have no right to hit a man either.

If she carry's on acting like that then we suggest you dump the bitch before she makes you do something you regret.

~ Dee

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Like 24? Check out this bad ass timer!

24 lovers... if you ever need to time anything for about a minute just come here and play this video!


Check out this torch that'll knock an intruders 'lights' out!

Rashad Evans Shadface
How many times have you heard a noise outside and gone to the door with a baseball bat to deal with the potential intruder? Okay probably not that many times if at all but I know you've spoken about it.

Well with this bad boy you don't even need to reach for your torch light and your bat. 2 in 1 baby!
Need to go out in the dark for something? Your bat shaped torch is right with you, ready to guide you on your way or knock a man the hell out.

These shit here should be made standard in all households.

Here's a picture to give you an idea of size:

"Oi mate, you got a light" yeah, in your fucking temple
Flow like a torchlight sting like a baseball bat! I think I'm sold, Now hurry up and take my money...

US Customers

UK customers

~ Cee

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Can we win the lottery or is it fixed?

Lottery balls
Everyone wants to be a lottery winner. But money can't make you happy, right? "Bullshit Mr Han Man" I'll take that chance.

How many times have you spent your imaginary lottery winnings in your head, talked about quitting your job and what you would say (or do) to your boss, the cars you would buy and the holidays you'd go on?
I read a story a while back about about one country's lottery being investigated (can't remember the details, if anyone does please let us know) so I'm thinking if one countries lottery can be fixed why can't ours?

One scam is meant to run like this:

Super computers keep track of each combination sold, and then the ping-pong balls are weighted to assure that a losing combination comes up (hello double roll overs). On rare occasions, all possible combinations are sold, and they must let someone win. That's the only time when the game honest.

I've never met anybody who has won the lottery (proving it's a fix right) or met anyone who has won a substantial amount of money. Have you? Maybe the tight bastards just don't wanna share the love...

There are a load of conspiracy sites out there and to be honest I can believe it's a fix and I've heard people refer to the lottery as 'the poor man's tax'.

What do the rest of the man dem think. Fixed or not?

~ Cee

Try and punch this guy if you wanna look like an idiot!

This guy has got some serious reflexes going on! Good way to advertise your skills! Skip to 1:35 to get to the punches...

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Best way to get that body that women want to touch!

Man doing a press up with pretty woman on his back
It's that vacation time of year where you're wearing t-shirts all the time and exposing what muscles you have or haven't got.

Not been in the gym this year?... then you're in trouble as they are all rammed now and you can't get on anything to do a proper workout.

THIS is what you can do!
You have probably got a holiday planned and yes you are going to look lame on the beach next to those muscly guys that all the hot women are sneakily looking at through their dark shades.

Get yourself some decent dumbbells and work out at home.  They need to be good ones or they are too much hassle to actually use.

I can fully recommend these bad boys! (pictured below)

Bowflex dumbbells
No messing around in between different exercises fiddling with screwing things on or off or pinching the springy weight stoppers that take all your energy and time.  In fact those types of dumbbells just makes working out at home a total ball ache and you end up with all different sets of weights all over your training area and it taking far longer than you can be bothered with.  Ain't nobody got time for dat.

Bowflex dumbbells
These Bowflex ones are so quick and easy for selecting what weight you want, you just turn the dial to what weight you want and bam you've got that weight on your dumbbell! ...the rest of weights are left in a nice neat tidy pile in one place while you get that pump on.

Yes they cost more than the average cheap dumbbells you can get, but hey they will get you the results you want because they are actually a pleasure to use rather than the cheap crappy ones that are just too much hassle and eventually won't get used.

You want the body? you want women checking you out? you want to look down on the skinny dudes that you used to be?  ...You know what you need to do!

Here's the link to buy it or get more info


Kyle Maynard - the fighter with no arms or legs!

WTF did I just watch? Looks like an angry pit bull attacking someone! And how did this go 3 rounds? Wait, how was this even allowed?

Monday, 15 July 2013

Call of Duty - just a video game preparing children for war?

Boom! Headshot! Use the claymores! Call in an airstrike! Any of this stuff familiar to Call of Duty fans?

Call of Duty and Battlefield video games seem to be even more popular than ever these days. We've got 10 year olds flying helicopters leading a team into battle talking about weapons I've never even heard of. And they go crazy for this shit.
Does anyone else wonder though whether it is a simple game or whether there is an overall objective of making war seem normal, even fun, in the hope that some people will join the forces and serve their country on the front line? Subtle hypnotism?

Back in the day you had adverts like this to join the army:

Join the army posterI want you - army posterjoin the army poster
Briton army poster

But times have changed and a simple poster? Nah that's not good enough to recruit the next generation of killing machines. How about creating a game based on killing and becoming a hero so when they do finally join they'll fit in nicely?

In fact, how about making the controls for a Challenger 2 Battle Tank very similar to a Playstation controller?

Yep, check the similarities between a real tank controller and a Playstation controller.

Playstation v Tank controller

Obviously playing a game isn't going to prepare a kid for war but surely it will feed a kid with enough of a buzz to think how exciting it could be to really be out there, the same way kids get a good feeling associated with eating a Mc Donalds happy meal (because they get a 'free' toy).

My opinion is that most definitely - yes this is one way to recruit youngsters to be future soldiers, after all, if you throw enough mud at a wall some will stick.

What do you think?

~ Cee
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