Monday, 30 September 2013

Rihanna - The Sexy Pics From Behind The Scenes Of Her Music Video

Everyone knows by now that Rihanna loves showing off her body in public and well, basically dresses like a sket these days.

Yeah if you've got it flaunt it and all that shit. Anyway, here are the pictures from behind the scenes of her music video 'Pour It Up'...

Rihanna Sexy Pic

Rihanna Sexy Pic

Rihanna Sexy Pic

Rihanna Sexy Pic

Rihanna Sexy Pic

Rihanna Sexy Pic

Rihanna Sexy Pic

Rihanna Sexy Pic

Rihanna Sexy Pic

Rihanna Sexy Pic

Rihanna Sexy Pic

Rihanna Sexy Pic

Rihanna Sexy Pic

Rihanna Sexy Pic

Rihanna 'Selfie'Okay so you can't deny that the woman does look good so can pretty much wear whatever the fuck she wants. But everyone knows that if you wanna see Rihanna without a bra she's already shown it all off before.

Oh you haven't seen the shower ones? Or the getting changed on holiday in Barbados ones?


My girlfriend casually FARTS in front me! I want to dump her...

girl fartFrom Connor
I have been with my girlfriend for six months now and things were going good.  We are spending more time together and really getting to know each other.  Recently though, we were in bed watching TV when I heard this fart like noise...
I honestly thought that it must have been the TV but when she casually said 'better out than in' I couldn't believe what had just happened to me.  I know we should be relaxed in front of each other and I do fart in front of her but I was utterly disgusted.  Should I just get rid of her now? Or I am I being unrealistic to expect her to act like a lady in this day and age?

The Man Dem response
We've already let you know our opinion on this by bringing the video!  Yeah man get rid, before you know she be'll be shitting with the door open trying to talk you about sports.


Friday, 27 September 2013

Is This The Worst Facebook Prank Ever? The 400 Mile Facebook Hoax!

man vibrator in mouth
Imagine driving 400 miles from SHEFFIELD to SCOTLAND for a bang... and then getting there and finding out that you got PUNK'd! Well that what happened to this guy! This idiot took a 9 hour drive in the hope of getting some off a chick (which actually turned out to be 2 dudes) who he met on Facebook.

Check out the phone call where all gets revealed... sad!
The guys who punk'd him were a couple of guys who he got into an argument with on holiday over some football shit.

Not only does this prick get humiliated in the vid but his wife found out and divorced him! Source
Anyone that puts a fucking vibrator in their mouth and sends a picture of it deserves this!

Check it...

How Not To Handle a Suncream Bottle

woman shake sun cream
Does anyone else find this gif hypnotic???

And I thought bra's were bad for womens breasts?

Songs brought to life. Real song lines made funny when used in the right way!

How many of these songs can you guess before they are used?

Thursday, 26 September 2013

The Man Dem Guide - Why Every Man SHOULD Bang At Least 1 'Not So Hot' Woman At Some Point

Plus size models
By Alex Matlock
I was once in a period of my life when I would basically stick it to anything that had a pulse. I don’t know what it was but I just had “the urge”. Yes, I've banged a lot of hot women but I've also had my fair share of… let’s call them “not so hot” women. I’m sure many of you guys can relate to that, even if you wouldn’t publicly admit it. Here's why you should at least bang 1...
In time, I developed my own “standards” that I later began to live by. These days, I know exactly what I like, what I want, what I can and will sleep with, what I would date and what I would possibly even marry.

I’ve only managed to reach this “educated” point because I’ve been there. This article is here to show you why you SHOULD also go there, at least once in your life.

So, Why Should Every Guy Bang at Least A Few “Not So Hot” Chicks in His Life?

Last week we looked at the The Official Sex Scale. The article basically rated a woman’s performance in bed. If you haven’t read it , please do so now.

Generally speaking, when it comes to looks, the less attractive a chick is, the higher her sexual performance will be. This means that banging “not so hot” chicks on a regular basis would result in much more quality sex for you.

The Basics
larger women in bikinisIn order to get your head around this idea we will need to look at things from a different angle. Yes, we rate women all the time, usually from 1 (beast) to 10 (diva) but that’s not what we want here. We want to take into consideration how women feel about themselves personally.

For the sake of this article let’s just say that women would class themselves into 3 distinct categories. Hot (8-10), Normal (6-7) and Not So Hot (5 and below). This is very important because if a “Not So Hot” looking chicks does very well in the self-confidence department, she will act like a Hot chick. If you bang one of these girls, your sexual experience will not be better. Usually, you can quickly tell how a chick feels about herself in the first few minutes of a conversation, something you MUST do before you jump into bed with a “beast” thinking the sex will be awesome.

Before we dive into some clean cut examples, I want to point out that sexual inexperience will overrule looks (if she’s having sex for the 3rd time in her life it will still be below average). Finally, I also want to take age out of the equation, as we’ve already looked at that in last week’s article.

So, let’s get to it:

Hot Chicks (8-10) – These girls are hot and they know it. Many of them believe that being incredibly hot is more than enough for men and think that letting us sleep with them is a privilege most men never get to experience. They think that if they just take their clothes off and let us see their sexy naked bodies, the job is done. While that may be true for many virgin dudes out there, it’s certainly not true for the ones that get regular tail.

This doesn’t happen because they are selfish or narcissistic, it happens because every random Dick and Joe out there tells them the same thing over and over, “OMG I can’t believe how beautiful you are”. It’s only natural that with all that attention and ass kissing, the woman has no reason to work for anything.

These women usually fall into the “The One That Doesn’t Move (aka The Starfish or The Doll) category but I have met plenty that acted like “The One That’s Scared (aka The Virgin)”.

Sure, it’s important to note that there are indeed EXCEPTIONS but after you’ve slept with enough “models” just because they looked hot, you will generally get the idea.

Normal Chicks (6-7) – These girls find themselves in the middle of the attractiveness scale. This is where the result will vary completely depending on the chick’s confidence level and overall sexual interest. This is also why you may have had some great and bad lays during your lifetime, mostly because it is in this category that your dick spends the majority of its time.

You will find all stages of sexual satisfaction in this category and unless she tells you that BJ’s are her favorite pastime, there’s absolutely no way of knowing beforehand.

Not So Hot Chicks (5 and below) – This is where shit starts to change. Many of these girls have a lot of insecurities and it’s those insecurities that we must learn to love. You see, because these girls are completely aware that they DO NOT fall into the “Hot” category, they come up with a way to overcompensate. That way my friend… is usually sexual knowledge.

The frequency of Pornstar sex in this category is overwhelming. Granted you need to have some balls to go in but, once it gets dark and stuff starts happening, oh boy you will love it.

If you have the bad luck of finding a sexually inexperience chick, she will probably fall into “The One That Tries Too Much (aka The Disaster)” category but that’s only for a while until she finds her true sexual mastery.

pulling up yoga pantsAll girls in this category will do SOMETHING extra to please you which means, all of them will at least fall into “The One That Does Something (aka The Girlfriend)” competence stage. However, the majority of them will do their absolute best to please you. That is why finding “The One That Knows (aka The Pornstar) in this category really is a regular occurrence.

Do It!

To put this simply, great sex and experience are the main reasons why every guy should bang at least one
“Not So Hot” chick in his life. Just make sure she’s honest about her looks, otherwise you’ll be terribly disappointed.

And if you’re asking yourself why that friend of yours is still seeing that beast you all laughed about…know that the sex he’s getting is probably awesome.

This is the sort of stuff I discuss on my blog and in the free eBook I give out. If you want to increase your success with women, visit – a place where the dating mindset is thrown out the window in favor of more direct and fruitful methods of meeting and seducing women.

Like this tip? Make sure you subscribe and never miss a post!

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Football skills that YOU will never have! Best ball control ever!

Ridiculous ball control meets ridiculous climbing and balancing skills. It's worth giving him your full 9 minutes but at least watch from the 7 minute mark.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Dad learns cheer-leading routine to be a good father!

Sometimes you have just got to man up (or girl up in this case) and do your daddy thing.

Steroid Freaks Get Slapped Up By Gym Boss For Selling Steroids!

Boy, that escalated quickly! Don't sell in a man's gym if you ain't sharing or you get slapped the fuck up!

All those muscles don't mean shit when the big man has you cornered like a lil bitch!

Check the video...

Monday, 23 September 2013

My brother's girlfriend wants me to F**K her! What should I do?

From Joe:
My brother and his girlfriend are always arguing whenever I go round to their house and they do not actually like each other.  He tell's me that he only stays with her because she's dumb enough so that he can easily get away with seeing lots of other girls (which he does) while she is there to make his dinner and for him to sponge off.

None of my business I know, but the thing is that I know she likes me, and wants me to fuck her!
She is actually quite fit and often looks at me in a way which makes it obvious she's flirting.  Once she put my hand on the top of her breast and said 'feel my heart beat' and then gave me the 'look'!

My questions is; knowing that my brother cheats on her all the time and doesn't really care about her, will it be totally out of order for me to make a move on her?

The Man Dem response:
You grimey bastard I bet you are already beating ya meat thinking about her! Seriously though you can't be making moves on your bro's girl - no matter what their relationship is like because your brother will end up blaming you for their break up. Girls will come and go, don't risk fucking up things with your bro for a hoe. Or at least ask him first!

Check out this song from 'The White Girl Yardy'! Apparently every black man wants to F*CK her???

White Gal Yardie
WTF? Not sure if serious but take a look at this song by some old white wannabe MILF. Are you one of the dutty bloodclaats that want to f*ck her?

This is wrong in so many ways... this has GOT to be a joke!

Check the video...

Sunday, 22 September 2013

GTA 5 Greatest Hits Compilation to Lethal Bizzle's 'POW'

The best GTA KTFO compilation! To the tune 'POW' by Lethal Bizzle, you know, the guy that tore Dappy to shreds!

Friday, 20 September 2013

Fat Guy With The BIGGEST EVER TIDDIES trying to dance with a twerker!

Damn, this brother just don't give a fuck!

The future iPhone / Android / Windows phone that never gets out of date and you keep FOREVER!

For you peeps that throw away or sell your phone just because you want that one new feature in the new model, this is your saviour.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

The Man Dem Guide - The Official Sex Scale - Rules On Which Girls Are The Best In Bed

women in flower or sunshine shapeby Alex Matlock
If you’ve ever heard women talking, you’ll know they talk about sex just as much as we do. And, similar to how we complain, they do to.

Most of us dudes make it our missions to please a woman but you’ve probably noticed that most women haven’t got the slightest interest in pleasing us. Many of them think that if they just get naked, we’ll have a great time and they just leave it up to us to bring home the bacon (erm…orgasm).
I initially wanted to write a different article this week, one that proved why a woman’s looks has a direct impact on her sexual performance however, in order to write that I had to come up with a way to dictate what is and isn’t a good sexual experience.

Similarly to how we grade women based on looks (from 1 to 10), I think it’s only natural that we should grade the sex we have with them as well. Judging a sexual encounter is important because it will allow you to KNOW what you want from a sexual partner.

During the years I’ve had my fair share of sexual partners. However, most if not all of them fall in the below 5 categories. This is a scale from 1 (lowest) to 5 (highest) and it looks something like this:

#1. The one that tries too much (aka The Disaster)

This girl has the potential to become the Pornstar (#5) but she hasn’t yet watched enough porn. Because she tries so hard, she moves out of sinc; is sloppy; does a good job at taking your attention off the sex part and more to the “WTF is she doing” part; she has the highest percentage of male genitalia injury; breaks condoms; helps you lose your boner and gives you a genuinely bad sexual experience.

X-ray of broken penisChicks that fall into this category are inexperienced and believe that a man’s penis is made out of a rubber that has no pain receptors. If they have been drinking, they would also fall into this category. That’s just one more reason to avoid “taking advantage” of inebriated women.

#2. The one that’s scared (aka The Virgin)

This girl doesn’t necessarily have to be a virgin because she can still act the part many years after she’s popped that priceless cherry. She will usually look at you with fear in her eyes as if she has no idea about what’s going to happen. She gently pushes you away as if she’s not ready for the event and when it does happen she continues to act like it’s the first time. She usually sits in some extremely awkward positions that make you give up and just go missionary. This girl will eventually bust your nut but she’ll surely leave you with a sense of disappointment and/or guilt.

#3. The one that doesn’t move (aka The Starfish or The Doll)

The girl doesn’t know, doesn’t care or doesn’t like to do anything. As sad as that may seem, at least she doesn’t do anything that disrupts the actual lovemaking. Because of that, she will probably have many more orgasms than #1 and #2 simply because she lets the man do his thing. This is particularly true if the dude lives to please, in which case she’ll have a fantastic time.

blow up dollBut what about the guy? While this may be enough for many men, the ones that have sex more than a few times a year would probably like to see more. However, the overall sexual experience is average but quite acceptable for most of us.

This type of woman is by far the most common, at least around the age of 25 and really does go behind the belief that all a woman has to do in bed is to get naked and say YES.

#4. The one that does something (aka The Girlfriend)

This chick has had at least one somewhat serious relationship in her life where she has witnessed that indeed, a man does want more than a starfish. While she may be incredibly experienced in the art of lovemaking, she does go that little bit extra, enough to put a smile on our faces.

All girls can and will eventually become this girl, as long as they end up in a relationship with a dude that asks for it.

#5. The one that knows (aka The Pornstar)

This is the girl that knows what she’s doing. I don’t know if it’s the porn she watched, the amount of sex she had or what it is but you know it when you see it. This is the girl dudes leave their wives for. This is the girl that was born to have sex and she knows it.

If you manage to land such a slampiece you’re one lucky bastard. Although you may constantly have the “feeling” that she’s either cheating on you, or there’s something about her past you don’t quite want to know, this girl is still going to blow your mind. She’s the type of girl you’ll give up crack for.

Note: With age, also comes experience. Generally, women below 25 don’t have a clue about what they want in a sexual partner; let alone what to do with one. Women over 25 start to have a good idea about what they want and start to make an effort towards their partners. Only after 30 do most women become “sexually liberated” and will be able to provide you with high quality sex. Of course there are exceptions but this is generally true. Finally, if we were going through this scale purely by age, EXCLUDING all exceptions, it would look like this:
Pretty lady on her knees
Under 25: The Disaster, The virgin, The doll – very rare chance to find the Pornstar.

Over 25: The doll, The girlfriend. – will sometimes find the Pornstar.

Over 30: The girlfriend, The Pornstar. – your wife might already be a Pornstar.

This is the sort of stuff I discuss on my blog and in the free eBook I give out. If you want to increase your success with women, visit – a place where the dating mindset is thrown out the window in favor of more direct and fruitful methods of meeting and seducing women.

Like this tip? Make sure you subscribe and never miss a post!

Weightlifting Extreme - Check out this heavily pregnant weightlifter going HARD!

pregnant weightlifter
Lea-Ann Ellison from Los Angeles is not messing about, said 'fuck you' to doctors advice and is making sure she stays fit and healthy during her pregnancy. This woman is 8 and a half months pregnant and still hitting weights HARD like a gym rat on steroids.

Anyway check out the pics...
In her own words ‘I loved being a Mom but I wanted to be a HOT Mom’. Here's a woman who actually cares what her husband thinks of her appearance and won't give in to the ugly fat wife stereotype.

Well doctors do recommend you stay fit and healthy during your pregnancy, right? And I know her man will appreciate that shit after the baby is born. No excuses a year down the line like "it's baby fat"...

Pregnant weight trainer 1

Pregnant weight trainer 2

Pregnant weight trainer 3

Pregnant weight trainer 4

Pregnant weight trainer 5

Pregnant weight trainer 5

Pregnant weight trainer 6

Pregnant weight trainer 7

Pregnant weight trainer 8

Pregnant weight trainer 9

Pregnant weight trainer 10
Images from

What do you think? Too much? I hear people are bitching because they think she could cause damage to the baby. Back that shit up with facts please. Has anyone heard of any babies getting injured from the pregnant mum doing weights?

After checking on NHS website it says absolutely fuck all about weight training in pregnancy being bad for the baby. Sounds like a load of fat mums hating because they couldn't be bothered to exercise when they were pregnant and are now overweight, wobbly shells of their former selves. Well done Lea-Ann because let's face it, nobody wants to have to tell your woman she's getting fat.

Did I just hear someone call her a PILF???


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Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Man who knows the law DEMANDS that police give him his GUN back that he was casually carrying around!

Knowledge is definitely power (gun power).  This guy knows his shit and makes the police officers his bitches by quoting the letter of the law.

Army Girl Gets Tazered And Grabs Her Buddy's D1ck!

Lol wonder what was going through her mind, "I'm in pain, maybe this black dick can save me"?

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Man bites his neighbour's DICK OFF in a fight over music being too loud!

Man with one toothNow there's fighting like men with fists, knee's, elbow's, head butt's and even biting if you have to.  But how does a fight come to where you find yourself with another man's dick in your mouth?

This guy's only got one fuckingtooth too! Just imagine that big ol' tooth sinking into your dick like a dirty dagger and then hacking it to shreds.

Apparently that's exactly what happened...
According to the source;
Jason Martin, 41, used his one remaining fang to chomp down on Richard Henderson's manhood "like it was a sandwich" after being asked to turn his Xbox volume down.

So much force was used during the brutal attack at his Dover, Kent, home that his 39-year-old's member was severed off.

"My willy was not attached to the rest of my body … I have never experienced that kind of pain to this day and I don't want to experience it ever again," Henderson, who has had it stitched back on, said.

I know the man dem have to do what ever it takes to defend themselves but boooyyyy is this going too far?

We've now shown you Testicle eating killer fish, then a Baby's balls eating monkey and now this one toothed dick muncher! Your tings are not safe!

We asked another one-toother what he thought about the incident and this is what he said...


WTF is this weak sh*t that Drake's singing? Drakes' new Wu Tang Forever tune

Drake no teethOkay so the old school heads will know that Wu Tang were known for straight up BANGERS back in the day like Protect Ya Neck, C.R.E.A.M and Triumph, to name a few. Every fan is gonna have their favourites.

So now Drake is trying to jump on the Wu Tang bandwagon with this piece of SHIT called "Wu Tang Forever". Check it out if you've not heard it yet...

WTF is this shit? And why did Wu Tang Clan allow it?

This is what Inspectah Deck from the WU had to say about it...
And now the Wu Tang Clan themselves are recording a remix of a this tune, which was originally a tribute to them. Yep, they also think this track is bullshit! Fuck that shit I'd just steer clear...


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Monday, 16 September 2013

Marine gets KTFO with the knife hand neck chop!

Get up pussy! I thought marines were meant to be tough mother fuckers...

Thursday, 12 September 2013

The Man Dem Guide - 6 Things You Can Do Right Now to Get More Women

women in bikinisby Alex Matlock
There are a lot of things out there that will directly affect your success with women.

The items on this list are probably the easiest and quickest things you can apply right now in order to get almost instant results...

Check it out:
1. Believe That All Women Are Equal
This is probably one of the best things you can EVER do. Think about the least attractive chick you’ve ever banged. Let’s say she was a 5 (out of 10) and that’s your absolute lowest standard. Wasn’t it easy to attract her? Of course it was, because you couldn’t care less if it went either way.

Now, if you see a chick that’s a 10, would you treat her differently? You probably will…because she’s a 10 and you’d think she deserves some special treatment. Well, this special treatment that you often give to “hotter” girls is what really stops you from scoring them.

If you’d believe that all women are equal, and that 10’s don’t really deserve any special treatment, you’re successful attraction behavior would be the one you actually use with them and as a result, will be the one that actually allows you to attract them.

Make it your mission to see all girls the same. There’s no 10’s, no hotties, they’re just OK. Convince your mind to lower their value because it will allow you to have tighter game.

2. Don’t Ask For Her Permission
phone number
I see so many guys doing this that I actually laugh when it happens. They ask a girl “Do you want to dance? Can I kiss you? Can I have your phone number? What happened to just taking a girl on the dance floor? What happened to just saying “Give me your phone number so I/we can…” What happened to just going in for the kiss? And finally, what happened to just being a MAN? Do you really need to ask for her permission? Of course not.

Because most guys never get asked for their permission, they are absolutely oblivious to how lame this makes them look. Asking for permission makes you look incredibly weak, not-sure about yourself, scared of rejection and finally, it creates an awkward moment in which the girl actually has to think about kissing/dancing with you, an awkward moment in which she has time to think about how weak you are and come up with a way to reject you. This unnecessary moment could have been easily avoided just by DOING IT instead of asking her for permission.

3. Don’t Lean In During The Conversation
This is another fundamental one which is commonly ignored. What guys need to realize is that by leaning in to listen to her every word they are basically telling the chick “I’m so glad I’m talking to you right now, you’re so amazing”. Or even funnier, you see guys talking to her ear, in a venue where the music isn’t lout at all.

Take my word for it; you do not want her to know how excited you are when you’re talking to her. I get it that you are, she looks great but, you seriously need to work on NOT SHOWING her these things. You don’t want her to think that you’ve got no experience with women, that you don’t really get a lot of girls which ultimately means, you’re a loser.

You want her to think highly of you so just act cool and let her be the one that leans in. If you’ve made her interested, even just that little bit, she will.

4. Embrace Rejection
This is probably the most common issue guys have, that fear of rejection. Rejection is NATURAL, it’s a common occurrence. It will be IMPOSSIBLE for anyone to avoid rejection and therefore we should embrace it as part of our life.

Honestly, I personally get rejected more often than I score. I’m also sure that this is the case with MOST guys that actually get laid often. My current ratio is around 1 bang out of 3-4 approaches. Sure some nights it’s the first chick and other nights it’s nothing but, overall I’m around 1 in 3-4 which means that’s around 28% success rate. This also makes my rejection percentage 72%. That’s huge!

The only way to ever beat this fear of rejection is to expect it every time. If you’re absolutely sure that this girl will reject you, then you won’t have any problem approaching her and getting rejected. If you get rejected, simply remember what you did/said and never use it again. Then, by the time you’re at your 6th girl you’re most surely going to have something good to say.

Finally, if you’re the “love thyself” type that STILL fears rejection, know that being with you is the best experience any woman can have, and if she rejects you, she just lost the best thing that could ever happen to her, so, there’s no point in drooling over this fact since she’s the only one that’s losing out.

5. Be A Man Of Mystery
Most guys make offers (tell everything about them) in hopes that a chick will like them. This can sometimes land you the girl (if the offer is good enough and she’s somewhat materialistic) but not ALWAYS. If you’re a man of mystery, you create intrigue and the chick will want to know more about you. This basically means you’re creating interest in yourself; she wants to know more about you thus having a lot of reasons to keep talking to you and see you again. This gives you plenty of time to spit real game which will inevitably lead to a lay regardless of how good your initial offer would have been.

In order to play the man of mystery card, just avoid her direct questions about yourself in a funny way or by asking more questions about herself. This will also allow you to MOLD your personality based on what she desires therefore dramatically increasing your chances of scoring the lay.

6. Don’t Be Boring
Being boring doesn’t just apply to your conversation with her. Being boring is about yourself. If a chick sees you just standing there with your friends, just standing there alone at the bar, on your phone, watching the bar TV, she’ll already assume that you’re boring. By the time you get the courage to approach her, you’re already that boring guy that was just standing there a minute ago.

So, don’t just stand there looking like a total buzzkill, talk to your friends, someone at the bar, anyone, just don’t act like you have nothing to do.

This is the sort of stuff I discuss on my blog and in the free eBook I give out. If you want to increase your success with women, visit – a place where the dating mindset is thrown out the window in favor of more direct and fruitful methods of meeting and seducing women.

Like this tip? Make sure you subscribe and never miss a post!

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Old Man Caught 'Shampooing' His Balls On The Bus!

scratch balls
Hand pocket ball scratch
All the man dem know what it's like to have an itch in your nut sack every now and again, or when your sack simply needs adjusting. No it's not a bad hygiene thing, but sometimes you've just got to straight up scratch your balls. Standard procedure is the old 'scratch your balls through your pocket' move, where we think we are 'discretely' fondling, do what needs to be done and remove the hand.

Well check what 74 year old Philip Milne did...
This dude took it one step further. Apparently his balls were irritating him in some way and as he didn't have his 'ointment' he pulled out some shampoo that he conveniently had with him, unzipped his fly and started shampooing his meat and two veg. Source
Philip Milne - AKA the ball fondler
Philip Milne - AKA the ball fondler

Come on man, this motherfucker just got horny and just wanted to beat his meat in public! Reports say that he had a 'semi' and he says he thought he was being discreet. I say give the guy a break. Do you blame a 74 year old man for trying to take advantage of his probably irregular erections? I guess he didn't want to waste it, so carries round his favourite shampoo for the job.

In a statement he resented everyone on the bus for ganging up on him and felt he 'was treated like a hardened criminal'. LOL


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