Thursday 5 September 2013

KEEP YOUR CHILDREN SAFE - Little girl walks off with stranger (experiment)

man stalking girl
Now this is some scary shit. An investigator acted as a fake child predator, luring children away with phrases like "Do you want to help me find my lost dog?".

Check out the video and look at these tips on how to keep your children safe.
You'd think that kids today would know not to go anywhere with strangers and be able to identify one, but check this, 7 out of 9 children preyed upon for the experiment went WITH the stranger. Source

As we know today ANY MOTHERFUCKER can be a child predator, from when you got dudes like Rolf Harris getting arrested for it, it's a reminder to look out for these creeps.

This video is a very scary eye opener:

Here are five simple, yet effective, rules you can use to keep your children safe (taken from The Daily Mail)

1. Who’s who? It’s dangerous for your child to think that ‘stranger’ means someone who looks scary or sinister. They should be taught that a stranger can look nice, too. Play a game with your child and ask them to draw a stranger. Try to reinforce that a stranger can look like anyone.

2. Tell your child never to take risks. They should never talk to a stranger, accept gifts or sweets, and never walk off with someone they don’t know. Your child is most vulnerable between ages five and eight, but nine to 11 is also dangerous, as they begin to spend more time alone. 

3. ‘Don’t go, say no.’ Teaching your child this simple slogan can help keep them safe. If a stranger approaches, they should say ‘No’ loudly to draw others’ attention.

4. Give them a plan for what to do if you are ever late picking them up from school — such as only ever sending a particular friend’s parent to collect them if you can’t. Your child should always carry a copy of your home, work and mobile numbers.

5. Practise. Imagine different scenarios with your child and play a game called ‘What If?’ Only then will they be truly prepared for any eventuality.

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