Say see ya later to waiting around for the roads to clear with this bad boy!
This futuristic looking 'ZERO personal helicopter' is the future!
Would you like one? (I fucking would!)
I'm prepared to ignore the fact that you will probably freeze your balls off (even worse than when you are a passenger in your friends convertible car while he's trying to impress by driving on the motorway with the roof down when it wasn't even sunny. Dick)
I'm prepared to accept the ridiculous price tag it will no doubt have. I'm prepared to accept that you will have to charge it up for a day in between uses as it is probably solar powered (no sign of a fuel tank).
I'm prepared to accept that you wouldn't be able to hear any music whilst flying this (remember the whole convertible car thing I was saying).
What I can't accept though as that this is just a fucking tease! it's just a concept design model and probably wouldn't even actually work.
Here some more pictures of it anyway